Wednesday 31 May 2023

Your Role as Manager


Manager Training Resources

 Both the Links should be used together 

Facillitaor guide is better than slides has detailed description

Manager Handbook For Training

This has Conversion Guide for Getting to know employees 

Why Decision Making is Hard



Giving Feedback


Python Tricky Questions

# Find the larget substring with largets sum
#Array = [-1, 8, 1, -7, -1, 5, 1, -3]
#Sub array which will give maximum sum [8, 1]
#Maximum sum = 9

list_a = [1,2,3,4,-4,-5,3,0,-1]
len_list = len(list_a)
max_sum = -1
ans = []

for i in range(len_list):
    for j in range(i,len_list):
        sum_v = sum(list_a[i:j])
        if sum_v > max_sum:
            max_sum = sum_v
            ans = list_a[i:j]

Tuesday 30 May 2023

Google Project Oxygen - Managers Matter,into%20our%20manager%20development%20programs.

* Apart from Coaching Googles Project oxygen adds few more points

“Pure” Coaching

  • Actively listen

  • Ask powerful questions

  • Raise awareness around “blind spots” 

  • Challenge thinking and deeply held beliefs

  • Make requests for new action

Google Project Oxygen Definition

  • Provide specific & timely feedback

  • Balance positive (motivational) & negative (developmental) feedback 

  • Understand unique strengths & development areas of each person

  • Tailor coaching to the individual & situation ( What is coaching refer above)

  • Suggest solutions

  • Have regular 1:1s

Another Coaching Defination
Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.

When should i Coach vs Tell how to do a task

When i should coach

  • When working with high-potentials

Coaching fosters their long-term development

  • When working with knowledge workers

The “expert” leadership role has limitations when workers may be more knowledgeable than the boss 

  • When commitment trumps control

When securing employees’ commitment and intrinsic motivation is more important than controlling them, coaching is the best approach

  • When the issue is around managing relationships

e.g. stakeholder management, how to motivate others

When Should Coaching be Avoided

  • When dealing with serious underperformers

Coaching is not a performance plan

  • When you do have the answers. If you know exactly how work must be done, direct instruction is better than inquiry

If a question has just one answer, people feel quizzed

  • When task control is more important than commitment

In doing routine tasks for example, this may be the case

  • If the coach believes the coachee cannot achieve the goal

An important aspect of coaching is having a growth mindset. If this is the case, question your assessment before acting.

  • When there are safety or legal risks involved
How to Be a Good Coach 

  • Be fully present for and focused on the coachee

  • Be aware of your own mindset and that of the coachee

  • Practice empathic listening (aka active or reflective listening)

  • Ask open-ended questions to facilitate coachee’s own insight

“Focused attention on coaching is more important than the time spent. What matters most is listening so the other person feels heard. Eliminate distractions and cultivate a sense of presence in the moment.”

Read this presentation for More on Coaching -

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Role of Manager in Agile Team

 Agile Manager 

- Servent leader - lead by serving team. Create a environment where team can succeed

-- if there are any blockers for team i help unblock it 

Adaptive management 

- open for change. We have been doign things this way and we always look for ways of improving 

Coaching and mentoring 

- coach and mentor team so team becomes self organized 

Focus on what not on How 


Build trust in team 

-- create environmet where we focus on problem rather than who is raising it 

-- more focus on workflows and producing a output 

outcome over output 

-- what value we have achieved 

-- move team from activities to custom focus 

sustainable pace 

-- team should not be burned out 

12 Principle of Agile

Agile Development Manifesto

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a plan

Tuesday 16 May 2023

Team Management Notes 2

 Responsibilities on Team 

The formal leader on the team 

-- the facillitator 

-- Scribe -- 

-- timekeeper 

-- Share the responsibities with team as they mature 


-- People should come to meeting with clear topics that we cover, What is expected outcome 

-- Order of things -- Time allocated to topic 

-- recognition since last meeting, you can ask whole team 

-- action plan 

Performance management 

-- Define performance , what you want to achieve 

-- then either skill (cant do ) or Motivation (Wont do)

-- Is it a skill -- requires practice training 

-- Is it knowledge -- requires education 

How to define a skill training 

-- Take a skill - Break it into component parts. It has to be pinpointed behaviour



-- What is the highest form of motivation 

- Purpose , Meaningfulness -- focus on society 

-- social -- Relationship bonding -- focus on team and community 

-- situational - rewards and motivations - Focus on self 

-- if you can connect to people with higher purpose , that is highest form of motivation


-- getting collective wisdom 

-- given a problem its a group solution, without individual egos 

-- so idea is to come up with solution that was not possible with one person 

Facillitatins skills 

-- Set the agenda

-- tell how many items are in meeting, what we want to do 

-- share outcomes 

-- share expectations 

Decision styles 

-- command decisions 

-- consultive decisions 

-- concesus type decision 

Conflict resolution 

--Everyone is right in their eyes, idea is for to look at other persons idea 


Lean thinking 

-- focus on values 

-- eliminate waste 

-- evidence based 

-- enpowed people 


Becoming a Influencing manager 

-- maintain a Adult ego state , (Parent,child)

-- ADISCO -- Adult, direct honest and polite , i statement (Take ownership) , solution oriented, calmly expression yourself, 

o - ownership of own behavior 


Do you team know what job is Individually 

Do they know what a good job looks like 

Do they know how to measure good performance. Do they know what a good week looks like 

Work ith Smart Goals 

- Specific - really clear goals 

- M - measurable goal , there is proper metric that tells how far we are from achieving goal 

- A - Achievalble goals 

-- R - Relevant 

- T - Time bound 

Involve team in Setting goals 

-- involve team in identifying the behaviours 

Influencing attitudes 

- icek Azben 

- Is it the right thing to do (show why its the right thing to do )

- Is everyone doing it ( show all are following it )

- can i do it ( Any blockers for doing this )

Is is the right thign to do 

-- has the decisoin come by colloboration 

-- State the benifits 

- Regular team meetings on why this behaviours are important 

- one to ones - repeating the behaviours 

- repeatedly stress who these relate to goals 

- appeal to personal values 

- Reward 

What everyone is doing 

-- showcase the behaviour 

-- dont ignore distructive behaviour 

-- Intervene quickly 

-- Encourage team to intervene 

-- Publicise success 

Can i do it 

-- provide a good training 

-- Support training before and after 

-- Ensure processes support behaviour you wont 

-- provide authority 

-- provide opportunity 

Communications p

-- words , Tones , Body language 

Influencing your boss 

Is it right thing to do 

-- what is their kpi 

-- what is their personal motivations 

-- aligning your goals with their motivationns and Goals 

What everyone else is doing 

- best practice industry standards 

can i do it 

-- prevent as evolution than revolution - so that they will adopt 

-- look for example that this has happened 

-- show a credible plan 

Influencing your peers 

-- what formed the intentions to behave 

-- is it good --- what are their drivers, their own KPI, 

-- is everyone doing it 

-- can i do it 

dealing with dificult people 

-- opposing goal or narrative 

-- someone having a different goal then you 

-- someone havin a different narrative, how they perceive and talk about 

-- For narrative - making sure that your purpose is very clear 

Personality Clashes 

-- individual difference 

- extraversion 

- Agreeableness -- go along with flow 

-conscientous -- how anxious we are to get ti right 

- emotional stabiliy 

- intelligence 

Leadership styles 

-- Authoratian - Its my way or highway 

-- collaborative - lets work toghether to identify the best way 

-- delegative - i will let you make the decision 

Heartbeat of role 

-- stable and predictable 

What do you do on day on day basis 

-- Team meeting 

-- Management meeting 

-- email sessions 

-- checking KPI 

-- scheduled daily/weekly/monthly checks 

-- one to ones 

-- Research and personal learning 

Managing performance 

-- Understanding specific standard and level of performance 

-- be clear on required outcome 

-- be clear on what the standard is 

-- provide tools , training and opportunity 

-- provide a clear time frame 

-- smart instruction -- specific , measurable , achievalble , relevant, timebound

Feedback when standard is reached 


Feedback when standard is not reached 

-- explain what was below the standard 

-- ask for their analysis 

-- remind them of what was required 

-- explore training and other needs 


-- Giving authority for someone else to do part of you job 

-- example - Get the information and we can decide what to do,involve people in decision making

-- to get delegation right , make sure to match person to task , level of expertise , 

-- set smart goals 

Sql Tricky Question - Consequetive Wins

GameDate    Result
1/1/2000    W
1/12/2000   L
1/15/2000   W
1/17/2000   W
1/22/2000   W
2/1/2000    L
2/5/2000    W
2/8/2000    L
2/16/2000   W
2/19/2000   L
2/25/2000   L
2/28/2000   L
3/15/2000   L
3/19/2000   W
3/25/2000   W
- Do a self join with table 
- do a cross join with all the previous dates where result is not matching
- count number of rows above a record where record is not matching
- This becomes the run group 
SELECT GameDate, 
   FROM GameResults G 
   WHERE G.Result <> GR.Result 
   AND G.GameDate <= GR.GameDate) as RunGroup 
FROM GameResults GR
GameDate    Result    RunGroup
1/1/2000    W         0
1/12/2000   L         1
1/15/2000   W         1
1/17/2000   W         1
1/22/2000   W         1
2/1/2000    L         4
2/5/2000    W         2
2/8/2000    L         5
2/16/2000   W         3
2/19/2000   L         6
2/25/2000   L         6
2/28/2000   L         6
3/15/2000   L         6
3/19/2000   W         7
3/25/2000   W         7
-- Now we need to group by Result and Run Group and find how many games are played
SELECT Result, 
  MIN(GameDate) as StartDate, 
  MAX(GameDate) as EndDate, 
  COUNT(*) as Games
GROUP BY Result, RunGroup
ORDER BY Min(GameDate)
Result      StartDate   EndDate     Games
W           1/1/2000    1/1/2000    1
L           1/12/2000   1/12/2000   1
W           1/15/2000   1/22/2000   3
L           2/1/2000    2/1/2000    1
W           2/5/2000    2/5/2000    1
L           2/8/2000    2/8/2000    1
W           2/16/2000   2/16/2000   1
L           2/19/2000   3/15/2000   4
W           3/19/2000   3/25/2000   2

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Team Management Notes 1

 Leaders define  , create that energy. 

Why we do what we do, if you cant communicate that you will loose energy. 


- allow people to showcase that how they are making the impact 

Leaders are not about controling people, 

Managers are not about controlling people but controlling processes..

As a manager i Model people behaviour to our values 

- defining Standard of work 

- to coach to give feedback 

- to motivate both individual and team 


- 95% of problems are in process and not in nature of person 

- set of activities that lead to tranformation of set of inputs to output

-- process can be measure by output or ratio of input to output

How do you evaluate a team 

- Team Purpose 

-- Does team has well defined purpose 

-- team knows its customers 

-- team knows how to run its meetings and general execution behaviour 

-- Teams know about its desired performace and how it contributes to company goals

Team meetings 

- Does team have regular scheduled team meetings (Monthly) 

- Action plans in team meeting have been noted down and worked upon 

- Members display truste inside and outside the meeting 

Process Management 

- Team know the steps in process 

- Team has done improvement in process 

-- it means teams knows the process clearly 

-- can analyze how the process is working 

-- can improve the process 

- Team knows how to measure a process and can talk about variation in process

Customer focus 

- Team has defined its customers and identified improvement areads from customer feedback

-- This means team knows its internal and external customers 

-- know how to get feedback 

-- how to analyze that feedback 

- Team is able to improve customer satisfaction 

Problem solving and decision making 

Team Purpose and Charter 1 Team Purpose

2 Customer Satisfaction

3 Team Norms

4 Performamnce

Team Meeting Management 1 Team Meetings

2 Facilitation

3 Decision Styles

4 Team Trust

Process Management 1 Process Mapping

2 Process Improvements

3 Balanced Scorecard

4 Waste Ellimination

5 Process Variances

Customer Focus 1 Customer Focus

2 Customer Satisfaction

3 Customer Feedback

Problem Solving and DM 1 Problem Solving Tools II

2 Problem Solving

3 Problem Solving Meetings

4 Problem Soling Tools I


-- Where are we goin 


-- What is important 

-- what gets rewarded for , what is punished for 

-- what companies values are these have to be in line 

Values worth considering 

- Absolute honesty and integrity 

- Respect for people 

-- Engaging people in problem solving demostrates respect in people 

- Continous improvement of the processes they own 

-- Measurement of data using facts 

-- learn to look at data , understand the facts , 

-- unity of people and process 

-- Challenge 


-- Horizon or vertical is building trust 

-- Communiation equals trust 

-- Listen more , Always ask for feedback on what has been communicated 

-- succesful communication is more about expectation, 

--- perception is relative to expectations 

Vertical communication 

-- You should have key performance measures. You should clarify this with your measure 

and team should be responsible for this 

-- Any changes in process that may impact output 

-- Always present problems with solutions -- partner for solutions 

-- Any improvement in process share with your manager 

In addition to above the below is responsible for team 

-- Company events 

-- Stratergy 

-- policy changes 

Delegation and Assigment of Tasks 

-- When delegation is difficult 

-- When delegation is easy 

-- when delegates are motivated 

-- When they are expert in their process 

-- time for completion do checkout 

Core Guiding principles 

-- Respect for Individuals 

-- Service for customers 

-- Striving for excellence 

Disciple and Justice 

-- Well disciple team, people know what to do , Behaviour according to desired expectations


-- justice is fair and equal treatment to all individuals 

-- people want others behaving in a manner similar 

Human performance analysis

-- provide reinforcement behaviour 

-- 4 positive for 1 negetive , recognition vs critisism 

Standard work 

-- you cannot have continous improvement unless you have standard work 

-- Is it bad execution or its Bad standard work 

What is standard work for leader , this should be well defined 


-- create a high performing team, Dont lead CATS ( individual people)

-- Having multi skill teams , it becomes easier for team members

Defining structure of your team


Optimizing performance for your team

-- What information 

-- what skills 

-- what tools , Software , computers 

-- What motivations - Awards , Rewards , Praise 

Stages of Team Development 

-- Forming - Figuring team dynamics 

-- Storming -- people rebel about responsibilities 

-- Norming - People settle into roles 

-- performing -- things become fluid , people perform at high level 

Who decides and who controls 

-- depends on maturity of the team

-- as team has demostrated responsibility , you give the control to the team 

-- So first we need to show team what a good behaviour is 

Team charter 

-- What is the purpose , Who is on the team ( or may be what aare the jobs)

-- who is the sponsor of the team 

-- Define process -- what is input , what is output . Set the boundries of the team 

-- what are the performance responsibilities of team 

-- what is code of conduct -- example showing up on time, 

-- what is communication resposibility - who do we communicate and how