Thursday 9 October 2014

Business Intelligence as Service

Hi All,

Recently i have heard a lot about this topic of BI as service so here is some common example and their use

Consider a system detecting retail fraud. In BI we have the tools to build an analytical engine capable of mining the potentially huge amounts of transactional data for patterns resulting in a list of suspicious credit cards. The adoption of SO principles allows us to offer a service providing the details of credit cards in use in our store as they are swiped. The SoBI architecture allows this service to be consumed by the BI component of the platform and analyze it against the known list of suspicious cards, and therefore to respond immediately should a potentially suspicious transaction be detected….. Very good Example. It allows applications to use BI in real time

Why this needs to be service. Why not directly write a sql on datawarehouse from the Java/.net Application.
A simple case would be the application developers  does  not need to know the logic  for implemneting the DW checks, The maintance is easy no code change needs to be done in the application as service code can be changed any time without application downtime

Uses of Services in Business intelligence

Aggregation of transactional and historical data as a service. Given a service exposed through the SoBI framework that can now seamlessly aggregate current transactional data and historical warehouse data, a new breed of business services can be supported. An example would be slowly changing dimensions, which is where a value such as a customer name changes over time. Obviously this information is available within the data warehouse, so if there is a requirement to expose an entity service that gives a single view of the customer, this can be achieved more accurately and easily.
Brings interface abstraction patterns to BI. The ability to use the interface abstraction pattern over BI functionality makes the functionality and data more accessible to line-of-business applications and provides the capability to expose complex business rules usually buried in the ETL layer. 

My note - You can keep master data management. Where in datawarehouse you have a single truth of data that is cleaned like addreess of customer that can be requested as service from application

Cleansing and consolidation. Data will be changed for purposes of consistency and integrity. Where this change involves a mapping operation, that mapping will be made available to the architecture as a service. Where this change involves a correction to data, details of that correction will be fed back to the system of record through a request for change to the owning service, that is, the ETL process cannot change the data as it is not the owner. In turn, this process obviously drives improvement in the quality of data.

Obtain a cross-system, consistent view of the product. During the ETL stage data of the same product (or entity) may require transforming in order that it may be stored in a consistent manner. By service enabling access to the data the organization can expose a single common view of a product.

Mappings available as a service. As previously stated, mapping is a fundamental requirement within the ETL stage. The SoBI framework enables the mapping functionality to be exposed as a service for other uses within the organization. Such uses include EAI and enterprise reference scenarios. This availability of this service can also be used to promote best of breed transformations.

Calculation. The data warehouse is often used to store precalculated values to support the requirements of BI. For instance, sales and forecasting data may be held in different physical systems. The consolidation of the data from these systems into the data warehouse allows us to calculate and store actual versus forecast figures to support more performant analysis and reporting. The business logic used to define such calculations is often interesting to other parts of the business so the calculation to support this invention of data in the data warehouse will be made available to the SoBI architecture as a service.

Aggregation. To support fast response times, data in the data warehouse is often preaggregated. For instance, the data warehouse may contain data relating to sales at an individual transaction level, but the majority of management reporting may require seeing the totals at the month level. In this case, it is cost effective to roll the (potentially millions of) individual transactions up to a level more appropriate for the known queries and to store the results in an aggregation, avoiding the need for known queries to perform the aggregation action at query time. Where such aggregations are created, they will be made available to the architecture as a service.

Provides a road map for integration. It is believed that one of the outcomes for the SoBI framework is an ability, at an architectural level, to provide a framework for future integration scenarios.

Compliance/audit. Application of the SoBI framework requires adherence to a formal governance process. Examples include the identification of the system of record or operational data owner, and the definition of the messages that describe the data and functional requirements. Given only the owner of the data can make a change to that data, other systems simply make a request for change, and auditing can be carried out at a single point.

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