Monday 31 October 2011

OP-ERR-0144 Grouping on a property or property expression error

Hi Guys

I was getting this error while creating chart

As mentioned in ITtoolbox i checked for changing Auto group and summarise to NO and does and define member sets to YES but it did nothing

Thing to check is when you have a hierarchy you cant use distinct it gives you a error.Though you can use count(distinct ) it gives you a warning.

However you can use distinct safely in a relational model without warnings.

In a hierarchy or a dimensional model there are few things you can apply distinct or unique on. You cant apply to everything thats under a level .This is a basic cause of this error .Now you need to find a work around to get your work done as it cant be done straight as it is in the model.

If you have a chart where you want to see revenue by country and you put country as a x axis and revenue as y axis . when you validate you get this eerror - What is the cause . The country is defined as property in hierarchy branch and it cannot be used to group by in chart .. chart shows rrepeated country names .as shown below

If you want to replicate this error .Open go sales dw . sales and marketing folder > sales names space > branch hierarchy > country and revenue from fact in sales names space .You will get this error .The chart iwont be able to summarise values for united states and it will show values depending on how many individual cities are there ...

How this was solve

When working with dimensional model grouping is only applied on member keys by default .That is if you drag a item from hierarchy into a chart like region , branch , country make sure that the thing is the member key of the level because grouping in a chart will be by default done on this key . Suppose you drag country from branch level in go sales dw >sales marketing >sales >branch you will see that the groupin is done on brach code even though you have dragged country as x axis. and you have OP-ERR-0144 warning while validating .However your report runs fine .But data is not grouped by country in the chart its grouped by branch code.

Now since branch code is above country (Branch code - America ,Asia,Australia) .You will see country repeated multiple times .

To get rid of this issue

Click query . set overide dimensional info to yes .You will see one more tab in query . Go there make country as level and country name as key .Now you will see that your report is running fine.


  1. Excellent work Patel.

  2. Patel: thanks very much. This fixed the error I was receiving.

  3. i have a dimension called product where the business key= product key, member caption = product CD DESCR, member description = product descr, and product cd as an attribute. Now i want to use product cd or product descr in my chart with one measure. i am getting this error OP-ERR-0144. the point is i don't want to use product cd or product derscr as business there any other way to eliminate the grouping error? Appreciate your help
