Tuesday 14 May 2013

Difference between Apache and Apace tomcat

Hi Guys,

Apache and Apache Tomcat are two different servers.

Apache server is used for static HTML content ,means someone else does the processing.Like you have cognos application server which does the processing of reports and sends html content to apache for displaying .It is not a java virtual machine (JVM)

So what is virtual machine .Consider you have windows on your laptop and you want to run a program which runs only in unix .Now you dont want to install 2 separate OS on your machine .So you install a program which lets you install one more OS .So it will be like a separate pop up in which you see a different OS.so you have windows and in that VMware in that unix .

Most cloud based machines use virtual machines.

So Coming back to JVM  (sorry for deviating from topic)

So JVM is a environment where you can run your java code which you cant run directly on windows because it does not have the files so you either dowload JRE in programs running on windows ( Java run time environment) or for web based have a web server which has JVM like apache tomcat. 

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